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Yeast Expression

Yeast Expression

Yeast is the simplest eukaryotic expression system. It sustains post-translational modifications and proper folding of eukaryotic proteins, while still allowing easy culture and scale-up production at a relatively low cost. This system is also used for membrane protein expression and production. At present, crystal structures of many recombinant transmembrane proteins including human aquaporin 2, chicken bestrophin-1 and mouse P-glycoprotein have been obtained using this efficient system.

Pichia pastoris is the most commonly used yeast species for recombinant protein expression. Culture of P. pastoris is simple and inexpensive. It grows fast, can reach high cell density, and supports high yield and large-scale production of eukaryotic proteins. It is also a recommended system for glycosylated or disulfide-bonded proteins. Profacgen designs expression vectors with strong promoters that support either secretion or intracellular production of your target proteins. Saccharomyces cerevisiae is the best-understood eukaryotic species. In addition to similar advantages to P. pastoris, it is also recognized by the FDA as a GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) organism.

Yeast Expression

Pichia pastors is a species of methylotrophic yeast. They have a high growth rate and are able to grow on a simple, inexpensive medium.

Yeast Expression

Saccharomyces cerevisiae is used in making wine, bread and beer. They're characterized by the inability to use nitrate and the ability to ferment various carbohydrates.

Profacgen provides you with an ultimate solution for yeast production. Our service can be tailored according to your specialized requirements (codon optimization, tag selection, purity, endotoxin removal etc.). Our expertise guarantees high protein quality, short turnaround time, and the best price in the market!

Service Details


  • Disulfide-bonded protein expression
  • Glycosylated protein expression
  • High yield: Yield up to 5-10g/L
  • Stable production process
  • One-stop service: from gene synthesis to protein expression, and downstream application development

See more details on the principle and protocol of yeast expression system on our website. See More…

Profacgen has accumulated lots of experience in protein expression. Our professional technical team can provide customers with high-quality yeast expression system and many related featured services you may be interested in. Our competitive prices and extensive expertise have earned us the trust of our collaborators. Contact us to find out how Profacgen could be of assistance.

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