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Enzymatic protein synthesis

Enzymatic protein synthesis

 Enzymatic protein synthesis

As one of the three nutrients, protein not only has nutritional value, but also plays an important role in food, medicine and materials. With the development of biomedicine, more and more attention has been paid to the artificial synthesis of peptides and proteins. Among them, peptides and proteins synthesized by enzymatic method are the hotspot of artificial synthesis of proteins, and protein synthesis and modification techniques based on solid phase synthesis and specific splicing of peptides are also developing vigorously. However, ligation site restriction exists after the splicing of synthetic peptide and other peptides.

At present, researchers have found that improving the accuracy of protein synthesis can prolong the life[1], so a high precision technology is needed to activate and splice the polypeptide chains from different sources, and then achieve the enzymatic synthesis of complete proteins.

Through cooperation with the world's leading laboratories, we can synthesize peptides and proteins through traditional enzymes and high-throughput computer-based new enzymes, providing effective guarantee for protein drug design, industrial production and so on.

Protein enzymatic synthesis is mainly divided into the following steps:

 Enzymatic protein synthesis 1

Profacgen can provide you with a full range of services from peptide screening, synthesis and protease synthesis, commercial process design and development, and can screen and optimize reaction temperature, pH, substrate load, enzyme load, to determine the optimal reaction conditions to achieve high conversion and selectivity. Finally, high yield, high purity and high selectivity were used to successfully prepare protein in production scale.

Workflow of enzymatic protein synthesis service in Profacgen:

 Enzymatic protein synthesis 2

Please contact us for specific project implementation content and time. If you want to know more service information, please feel free to contact us, Profacgen will be your trusted partner.


  1. Martinez-Miguel, V.E., et al., Increased fidelity of protein synthesis extends lifespan. Cell Metabolism, 2021. 33(11): p. 2288-2300.e12.
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