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Corynebacterium glutamicum Expression Systems

Corynebacterium glutamicum Expression Systems

Corynebacterium glutamicum Expression Systems

Corynebacterium glutamicum (C.glutamicum) is a highly promising alternative prokaryotic host for recombinant protein expression and has been developed as a currently leading bacterial protein expression system. To date, C.glutamicum has been generally recognized as a safe host for the industrial production of biologics (such as antibodies, growth factors, and hormones), biochemicals (such as L-glutamate and L-lysine) and enzymes. Various types of plasmid vectors, as well as methods of protein secretion and purification against this expression system have been developed and optimized, providing powerful support for both industrial and pharmaceutical purposes. Some successful cases of actual application also have proven the unparalleled potential of this expression system.


Figure 1. Process diagram of recombinant protein expression using C. glutamicum as host and bioprocess parameters involved in process optimization. (Liu, X.; et al. 2015)

Profacgen provides you with one ultimate solution for C.glutamicum production. Our service can be tailored according to your specialized requirements. Our expertise guarantees high protein quality, short turnaround time, and the best price in the market!

We offer the following services for your protein expression in C. glutamicum:

Profacgen has accumulated lots of experience in protein expression. Our professional technical team can provide customers with high-quality C. glutamicum expression system and many related featured services you may be interested in. Our competitive prices and extensive expertise have earned us the trust of our collaborators. Contact us to find out how Profacgen could be of assistance.


  1. Liu, X.; et al. Expression of recombinant protein using Corynebacterium Glutamicum: progress, challenges and applications. Critical Reviews in Biotechnology. 2015.
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