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Co-expression Service in Insect Cells

Co-expression Service in Insect Cells

Multi-protein complexes play essential roles in numerous cellular processes, including transcription, translation, signaling cascades, protein trafficking, and degradation, etc. Baculovirus expression vector system (BEVS) is widely used to produce complex proteins such as antibodies and virus-like particles (VLPs) due to its ability to express multiple foreign genes simultaneously, as well as the inherent biosafety and eukaryotic protein processing capabilities of insect cells. Co-expression of certain proteins with helper functions, such as chaperones, in insect cell systems can enhance the expression level of the protein of interest. The expression of multiple foreign genes in a single cell in BEVS occurs mainly in two ways: 1. By infecting the culture with multiple viruses, each of which carries one foreign gene (co-infection); 2. By Using a single virus carrying multiple foreign genes (co-expression). Each method has unique advantages and disadvantages.

Co-expression service provided by Profacgen:

Co-infection is feasible for the expression of multi-proteins, but it does have the problem of ensuring all cells receive the same number of virus particles, which can be detrimental to the production of multi-proteins. Multigene expression vectors offer an alternative to co-infection, they provide reproducible ratios of products per infected cell, and reduce the number of possible baculovirus combinations that can be found in any one cell, thereby achieving more homogenously infected cell. Profacgen provides high-quality multi-gene expression vectors and protein co-expression service, which can control and adjust the ratio of expression through molecular experiments such as manipulation of promoters, thereby controlling gene transcription and protein expression level.

Why choose Profacgen:

  Customize the experimental program according to different needs
  Powerful and well-established baculovirus expression platform
  High quality, efficient and cost-effective
  One-stop service


Profacgen has accumulated extensive experience in baculovirus-insect cell expression systems, and our protein experts and virus experts can provide you with high-quality protein co-expression service to accelerate your research process. Our highly competitive prices and unprecedented expertise have earned us the trust of a large number of researchers. Request more information to find out how Profacgen could be assistance.


  1. Belyaev, A.S.; et al. High-level expression of five foreign genes by a single recombinant baculovirus. Gene. 1995, 156(2).
  2. Sokolenko, S.; et al. Co-expression vs. co-infection using baculovirus expression vectors in insect cell culture: Benefits and drawbacks. Biotechnol Adv. 2012.
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