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Biological Data Analysis

Biological Data Analysis

Biologists are stepping up their efforts in understanding biological processes by using a variety of experimental and bioinformatics methods. This has resulted in a flood of biological and clinical data, which could be overwhelming for researchers to handle without appropriate data processing and analysis tools, especially when there is a lack of training or no knowledge of programming, statistics, and modeling. Therefore, custom data analysis services have become increasingly important in biosciences and can certainly help accelerate the research cycle.

Profacgen now provides comprehensive data analysis services for discovering new knowledge from various types of biological data. Our team has created efficient data analysis pipelines and combines mathematics, statistics and programming to conduct the requested analyses for our customers’ specific technological or biological research questions. Our team is also experienced with state-of-the-art data mining techniques which have been designed to handle challenging data analysis problems where noisy and incomplete data and compute-intensive tasks need to be handled. Our goal is to enable researchers to make meaningful observations and discoveries from a wide array of data from biological, pharmaceutical and clinical domains.

Biological Data Analysis

Biological Data  Analysis

We are currently analyzing data in the following application areas:

A wide range of data types from ChIP-Seq, RNA-Seq, miRNA sequencing, 4C-Seq, microarray and mass spectroscopy experiments are exploited for the rapid identification and validation of biomarkers.

Scientific support is provided for the systematic reconstruction and analysis of biological pathways and networks from observed data using methods such as the graph-theoretic approaches. Exploration of the behavior of networks, integration of prior knowledge, and differential analysis in the context of integrated experimental data on a global scale provide effective means for analyzing complex systems with great potential for biomedical applications. 

Microscopy techniques are key to analyzing biological systems on various scales, from the structure of biomolecules, up to cells and whole organs. Profacgen helps to create an understanding of biological systems through image-analysis solutions, with state-of-the-art tools and methods for interactive image segmentation and for deriving quantitative information from optical microscopy and electron microscopy data.

Statistical methods such as testing, regression, clustering, classification, error rates, resampling, quality control, outlier detection, and programming are developed and applied to a wide range of topics in biological research, including data coding and management, comprehensive univariate and multivariate analyses, large healthcare data analytics, etc.

As an integral part of biological sciences, data visualization is essential to understand the data after acquisition and enable dissemination of knowledge. To address the challenge of rapid increase in data volume and complexity, Profacgen uses state-of-the-art software tools for visualization of sequences, alignments, phylogenies, microarray, macromolecular structures, networks, and many others.

Massive data can be generated from structural biology projects. Profacgen has a professional team of structural biologists who can provide help in analysis and model reconstruction of high resolution macromolecular structures (and their complexes) from X-ray crystallography, NMR, and EM data. Model quality assessment and refinement are also performed to evaluate and ensure reliability. Scientific consultation is also available on the interpretation of structural aspects and their biological significance.

Our scope of services will be continuously expanded to meet the growing needs from the market. In close collaboration with the customers, Profacgen builds and maintains research data workflows to help increase reproducibility of science and scaling up of complex data analysis tasks.


  State-of-the-art tools to analyze and interpret life sciences data
  Project report with detailed analysis procedure
  Experts available for technical consultation and experimental design
  Presentation of results and preparation of figures for publications
  Test of the impact of artifacts and limit instrument-based biases
  Validation of the robustness and reproducibility of your experiments

Our data analysis services aim to help the customers achieve greater success in biological discovery. Individual analysis tasks can be defined in close collaboration with the customers and within a controlled budget. Results are delivered in favored formats and are presented and explicated personally. Please do not hesitate to contact us for more details about our biological data analysis services.

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