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Protein Analysis

Protein Analysis

Choosing the right analytical method is critical to the success of your protein-related research. Characteristic methods assess the purity, identity, structural property, conformational integrity and functionality of the protein. Profacgen offers a diverse range of analytical reagents as well as services to assure efficient and economical characterization of your proteins. These methods are used in protein-protein interaction studies, ligand-target screening, diagnostic and pharmaceutical development, in vivo biological analysis and structural biology research etc. Our analytical facility is dedicated to deliver a full spectrum of well-developed technologies to cover various needs of the clients’. In addition, scientists at Profacgen have had extensive experience in assay development and validation such that custom services can be designed to solve the otherwise unmet challenges.

Profacgen's protein analysis services include but are not limited to the following:

Analytical methods that we routinely use:

Hundreds of customers have endorsed the advantages of choosing Profacgen:

For more information regarding Profacgen’s protein analysis services, please contact us at or call 1-631-416-7513. Our customer service representatives are available 24 hours a day, Monday through Friday, to assist you.

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