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Co-infection Service in Insect Cells

Co-infection Service in Insect Cells

Multi-protein complexes play an important role in life activities. Protein co-expression can often generate sufficient numbers of various biologically active complexes for biochemical, biophysical, structural studies, and high-throughput screening. Baculoviruses are enveloped DNA viruses that can be divided into the nucleopolyhedroviruses (NPVs) and granuloviruses (GVs). Baculovirus expression vector system (BEVS) has the ability to simultaneously express multiple foreign genes and eukaryotic protein processing, coupled with the inherent biosafety of insect cells, so this system is widely used in the production of complex proteins, such as antibodies and virus-like particles. The expression of multiple foreign genes in a single cell in BEVS occurs mainly in two ways: 1. By infecting the culture with multiple viruses, each of which carries one foreign gene (co-infection); 2. By Using a single virus carrying multiple foreign genes (co-expression). Each method has unique advantages and disadvantages.

Co-infection service provided by Profacgen:

Profacgen is a first-class protein expression expert, our insect cell expression platform is composed of experienced protein experts and virologists, aiming to provide customers with high-quality and cost-effective protein co-infection service. In a co-infection system, we can easily control the expression levels of various genes by controlling the multiplicity of infection (MOI) as well as the time of infection (TOI) of different viruses, in this way the temporal separation of the expression of various genes can be achieved. Our virologists make the expression of multi-proteins more orderly by improving the complex co-infection process.

BEVS co-infection have been used to:

Profacgen has accumulated extensive experience in baculovirus-insect cell expression systems, and our protein experts and virus experts can provide you with high-quality co-infection service to accelerate your research process. Our highly competitive prices and unprecedented expertise have earned us the trust of a large number of researchers. Request more information to find out how Profacgen could be assistance.


  1. Belyaev, A.S.; et al. High-level expression of five foreign genes by a single recombinant baculovirus. Gene. 1995, 156(2).
  2. Sokolenko, S.; et al. Co-expression vs. co-infection using baculovirus expression vectors in insect cell culture: Benefits and drawbacks. Biotechnol Adv. 2012.
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