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Pull Down Assay

Protein pull down assay is an in vitro affinity purification method that uses a bait protein to enrich proteins that interact with the bait protein. It can be used for confirmation of existing protein-protein interactions discovered by other techniques or initial screening to identify novel protein-protein interactions. Profacgen provides you protein pull down service for the detection of possible interacting proteins of your target proteins.

The basic principle of pull down assay is to utilize a tag fused protein (such as GST-tag, His-tag and biotin-tag) immobilized to affinity resin as the bait protein. Proteins binding to the bait protein (prey protein) can be captured and “pulled down” when the target protein or cell lysate flows through. By subsequent elution and analysis using Western Blot or Mass Spectrometry (MS), a predicted interaction can be confirmed or previously unknown interactions can be discovered. Pull down assay service provided by Profacgen can efficiently and specifically verify the predicted protein-protein interactions or identify novel interactions.

Illustration of Pull Down Assay

Illustration of pull down assay

Both bait protein and prey protein can be obtained from cell lysis, protein expression system or in vitro transcription and translation system through our carefully designed experimental scheme. Pull down assay is easy to operate and cost-saving.

Our services include:

  Construction of recombinant expression plasmid

  Bait protein expression and purification

  Identification of protein-protein interaction by Western Blot or MS

  Data retrieval and bioinformatics analysis

  Results submission

Our advantages:

  Fully customerized high quality service
  Stringent quality control and consistent results
  Short turn-around time
  Best price in the market
  Detailed experimental report

Please contact us for more details of our professional pull down assay service.

See more details on the principle and protocol of pull down assay on our website. We also provide troubleshooting guides for the problems you may account in your experiment. See more...

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