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Amplified Luminescent Proximity Homogeneous Assay (ALPHA)

Amplified Luminescent Proximity Homogeneous Assay (ALPHA)

ALPHA, which stands for Amplified Luminescent Proximity Homogeneous Assay, is a technology used in biochemical assays to detect and quantify molecular interactions between biomolecules, such as proteins, nucleic acids, or small molecules.

The principle of ALPHA is based on the use of two specific types of beads that are coated with different types of molecules. One set of beads is coated with a donor molecule, which is typically a photosensitizer that converts ambient oxygen to singlet oxygen upon excitation with light. The other set of beads is coated with an acceptor molecule, which is typically a phthalocyanine dye that can absorb singlet oxygen and produce a luminescent signal. When the two sets of beads are brought into close proximity, typically due to an interaction between the biomolecules being studied, singlet oxygen is generated by the donor beads and can diffuse to the acceptor beads. This results in the production of a luminescent signal that can be detected and quantified using a microplate reader.

The ALPHA technology has several advantages over traditional assays, including high sensitivity, large dynamic range, and low background signal, making it a popular choice for studying protein-protein interactions, enzyme activity, and small molecule binding.


Amplified Luminescent Proximity Homogeneous Assay (ALPHA)

Our Services

At our company, we offer a range of technical services related to amplified luminescent proximity homogeneous assay. This includes assay development, optimization, and validation, as well as data analysis and interpretation. Our team of scientists has extensive experience in the field of protein-protein interaction analysis, and we are committed to providing our clients with the highest-quality data and results. Whether you are working in the fields of drug discovery, biomarker identification, or basic research, our ALPHA services can help you achieve your goals. With our cutting-edge technology and expert guidance, you can have confidence in your assay results and move forward with your research.

In Profacgen, we are proud to offer ALPHA as part of our suite of technical services, and we are committed to providing our clients with the most advanced tools and techniques available.

As a protein research expert, Profacgen has accumulated a lot of successful experience in protein interaction analysis, and has assisted many customers around the world to complete projects with high efficiency and high quality. Our highly competitive prices and unprecedented expertise have earned us widespread acclaim. Contact us to find out how Profacgen could be of assistance.


  1. Jeong, K.; et al. Rapid discovery and classification of inhibitors of coronavirus infection by pseudovirus screen and amplified luminescence proximity homogeneous assay. Antiviral Research. 2023.
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