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Soil Available Nitrogen Kit (SESQA-K005)


Diffusion method
Product size
Product description
Soil alkaline nitrogen includes inorganic mineral nitrogen and some easily decomposable, simple organic nitrogen from organic matter. It is the sum of ammonium nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, amino acids, amides, and easily hydrolyzed protein nitrogen. It reflects the recent nitrogen supply situation in the soil, so it is also known as soil effective nitrogen or available nitrogen. The content of soil available nitrogen is measured to understand the soil's nitrogen supply capacity and to guide reasonable fertilization. This kit uses the diffusion absorption method to measure soil alkaline nitrogen. In the diffusion chamber, soil is hydrolyzed with 1.0M alkaline solution, converting easily hydrolyzable nitrogen (potentially effective nitrogen) into NH3, which is absorbed by boric acid after diffusion. The NH3 in the boric acid absorption solution is then titrated with standard acid, and the content of available nitrogen in the soil is calculated.
Additional Materials and Equipments Required
Constant temperature incubator, balance, pipettes, semi-micro burette, mesh sieve, measuring cylinder, glass diffusion chamber, rubber bands.
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