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Plant Acylurea Quantitative Kit (OSRQA-K037S)


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Product description
Acylureas (allantoin and allantoic acid) are nitrogen metabolic products in the symbiotic nitrogen fixation of soybeans and rhizobia, serving as the main form of nitrogen storage and transport, and playing an important role in the nitrogen metabolism of soybeans. By measuring the content of acylureas in leguminous plant tissues, their nitrogen-fixing ability can be assessed. Allantoin hydrolyzes to glyoxylic acid under excessively acidic or alkaline conditions, and then can be oxidized under phenylhydrazine and strong acid conditions to form a red complex with a special absorption peak at 535nm. The content of acylureas in the sample can be calculated from the absorbance value.
Additional Materials and Equipments Required
Visible spectrophotometer, 1mL glass cuvette (light path 1cm), pipette, balance, low-temperature centrifuge
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