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NADPH Oxidase (NAO) Assay Kit (OSRAN-K051S)


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Product description
NADPH oxidase (NAO) is a typical membrane protein that catalyzes the oxidation of NADPH to NADP+ and transfers electrons to oxygen atoms to produce superoxide anions. It is widely present in animals, plants, and fungi. Abnormalities in this enzyme can lead to chronic granulomatous disease (GCD) in humans and is closely related to plant disease resistance and various stresses. NADPH oxidase (NAO) oxidizes NADPH to NADP+ while generating superoxide anions (O2.-), which then react with a colorimeter to form water-soluble yellow substances. The background value is excluded by adding the specific inhibitor DPI of the enzyme. The activity of NAO can be calculated by measuring the absorbance of the colored substances at 450nm.
Additional Materials and Equipments Required
Visible spectrophotometer, 1mL glass cuvette (light path 1cm), low-temperature desktop centrifuge, water bath, pipette, mortar, ice, and distilled water.
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