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Glycogen Content Assay Kit - Enzymatic Method (CASQG-K019S)


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Product description
Glycogen is a high molecular weight substance formed by the polymerization of glucose molecules through glycosidic bonds, stored as an important energy substance in vital organs such as the liver, muscles, and brain. Abnormal storage or metabolism of glycogen can cause various diseases, so measuring changes in glycogen content is significant for studying glycogen metabolism and related diseases. This kit uses an enzymatic method to determine glycogen content, where amyloglucosidase breaks down glycogen into glucose, and glucose is oxidized by glucose oxidase to produce a (pink) red product that reacts with the color reagent. This product has a maximum absorption peak at 510nm, and glycogen content is obtained by correcting the background value of free glucose.
Additional Materials and Equipments Required
Visible spectrophotometer, 1mL glass cuvette (light path 1cm), water bath, pipette, distilled water.
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