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Fast Silver Stain Kit (DEKIT012)

Silver staining is a protein visualization technique employed on polyacrylamide gels. It operates on the premise that silver ions are reduced to metallic silver under alkaline conditions, which then accumulate on the protein surface, rendering them visible under an optical microscope. This method offers a significantly higher sensitivity than Coomassie staining, allowing for the detection of proteins at concentrations as low as 1 nanograms. Traditional silver staining procedures can be intricate and demand precise reagent preparation. However, Fast Silver Stain Kit streamline the process, enabling rapid and straightforward protein detection. The high sensitivity of silver staining makes it particularly suitable for identifying proteins present in low abundance, such as those involved in protein-protein interactions studies using endogenous GST-pull down or Co-Immunoprecipitation (Co-IP) assays. These kits facilitate the detection of such proteins with minimal effort and complexity.


Low abundance protein detection in GST-Pull down, Co-IP and other experiments.
1. Since silver stain is very sensitive, please use high purity water, and ensure that the materials used are clean, preferably clean glassware. Wear gloves during operation to avoid direct contact.
2. Silver solution is corrosive, please be careful when operating, and ensure effective protection to avoid direct contact with the human body, and pay attention to avoid corrosion of other items, toxic or harmful to aquatic organisms, prohibit direct discharge into the environment.
3. This product is only used for scientific research by professionals, shall not be used for clinical diagnosis or treatment, shall not be used for food or medicine, and shall not be stored in ordinary homes.
4. For your safety and health, please wear a lab coat and disposable gloves
On Ice
Additional Materials Required
Ethanol, acetic acid and deionized water
Schematic diagram
1. SDS-PAGE Gel Electrophoresis
2. Add Fixative
3. Add Sensitizing solution
4. Add Staining Solution
(Detection reagent II + Silver solution )
5. Add Developing Solution
(Detection reagent I + Detection reagent II)
6. Image
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