Product description
Cytokinin oxidase (CKO/CKX, EC specifically catalyzes the unsaturated bonds of the isoprenoid side chain of cytokinins and controls the synthesis and degradation of CK to stabilize the content of CK in plants. It is the only key enzyme discovered so far that can promote the degradation of endogenous CK. Cytokinin oxidase (CKO/CKX) catalyzes the substrate to further reduce 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol (DCPIP), causing a decrease in the absorbance at 600nm. By detecting the decrease rate at 600nm, the activity of CKO/CKX can be determined.
Additional Materials and Equipments Required
Visible spectrophotometer, 1mL glass cuvette (light path 1cm), pipette, low-temperature centrifuge, mortar