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CUT&RUN-Sequencing Service

CUT&RUN-Sequencing Service


The Importance of Protein-Nucleic Acid Interactions

Protein-DNA interactions are central to gene regulation and cellular functions. Transcription factors bind to DNA to toggle genes on or off, affecting cell development. DNA-binding proteins like histones play vital roles in replication and repair. Traditional methods like ChIP-Seq are crucial but have limitations, requiring large samples and facing signal issues.

To overcome these challenges, innovative methods like ChIP-DIP and SOLiD™ ChIP-Seq have been developed. ChIP-DIP captures multiple protein-DNA interactions, revealing gene regulation networks, while SOLiD™ improves accuracy and reduces sample needs. These advancements make studying protein-DNA interactions more efficient and cost-effective.

What is CUT&RUN-Sequencing?

CUT&RUN stands for "Cleavage Under Targets and Release Using Nuclease." It's a technique for studying protein-DNA interactions with the following process:

1. Cell Preparation: Cells are fixed to beads, made permeable with a detergent, allowing antibodies to bind to their target proteins.

2. Antibody Binding: Specific antibodies attach to the target proteins for precise localization.

3. Fusion Protein Binding: Protein A or G fused with micrococcal nuclease (pA-MN or pG-MN) binds to the antibody-protein complex to cut nearby chromatin.

4. DNA Cleavage: In the presence of calcium ions, the fusion complex cuts DNA near target proteins, releasing DNA fragments for purification.

5. Sequencing: These fragments are sequenced and aligned to a reference genome to identify protein binding sites. CUT&RUN offers high resolution and low noise, useful for studying transcription factors and histone modifications.

CUT&RUN is easier, cheaper, and works with smaller samples than ChIP-seq, avoiding false positives by skipping crosslinking and sonication, thus improving accuracy.

Technical principles of CUT&RUN-Sequencing.Fig1. Workflow of CUT&RUN-sequencing.

Applications of CUT&RUN-Sequencing

Gene Regulation Studies

CUT&RUN-sequencing is a handy method for checking out how transcription factors and regulatory proteins latch onto DNA, helping us understand how genes are controlled.

Epigenetic Research

This method is key for digging into epigenetic changes and seeing how they tweak gene expression and affect cell behavior.

Disease Mechanisms

CUT&RUN-sequencing can help unravel the molecular roots of diseases by picking apart abnormal protein-DNA interactions.

Drug Discovery

It's useful for spotting possible drug targets and looking at how drugs affect protein-DNA interactions, paving the way for new treatments.

Service Procedure


CUT&RUN-Sequencing Service Procedure.

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Core Services

One-Stop Solution

At Profacgen, we offer a full CUT&RUN-sequencing service, handling everything from sample prep to data analysis. Just send us your cell or tissue sample, and we'll take care of the rest for a smooth and easy process.

Professional Bioinformatics Analysis

Our bioinformatics crew is great at making sense of CUT&RUN-sequencing data, using tools like Bowtie2 and deepTools to turn it into insights you can actually use. We tweak our analysis services to match what each project specifically needs, making sure you really get the most out of your data.

High-Quality Results

At Profacgen, we strive to deliver high-resolution data with an excellent signal-to-noise ratio by employing advanced techniques like peak calling and motif analysis. This ensures you can trust the outcomes. Our history of successful projects and outstanding data quality underscores our commitment to delivering top-tier results.

Additional Services:

Why Choose Profacgen?

Case Study

Project 1: CUT&RUN-Sequencing Analysis of Transcription Factor-DNA Interactions


This project utilizes CUT&RUN sequencing to identify the impact of transcription factors on DNA binding function. The method involves using specific antibodies and pAG-micrococcal nuclease (pAG-MNase) to cleave and release DNA sequences bound to target proteins, obtaining target DNA fragments for sequencing. The DNA samples were provided by the customer, and our work included library generation, sequencing, and bioinformatics analysis.

Data Analysis

Quality control, reads mapping using BWA, peak calling with MACS2, motif analysis using HOMER, peak annotation with ChIPseeker, differential peak analysis using edgeR or DESeq2, TSS enrichment analysis using deeptools-computeMatrix, and target gene GO/KEGG analysis using GOseq R package and KEGG database.


Distribution characteristics around the transcription start site (TSS) were analyzed.

Mapped reads distribution.Fig2. Distribution of reads near TSS (Cell line 1-1 sample).

PeakAnnotator identified the nearest TSS of every peak and the distance distribution between peaks and TSS.

Genomic characteristic regions distribution.Fig3. Distribution of genomic characteristic regions (Cell line 1-1 sample).

Distance distribution between peaks and TSS.Fig4. Distance from peak to target gene TSS (Cell line 1-1 sample).

FIMO was used to analyze the footprinting of each motif.

Motif footprinting.Fig5. Footprinting (example).

IGV view.Fig6. IGV view (example).

GO and KEGG analysis identified significantly enriched terms related to the target genes.

Bar graph of target gene GO analysis.Fig7. GO analysis bar graph.

Dot chart of target gene GO analysis.Fig8. GO analysis dot chart.

Bar graph of target gene KEGG analysis.Fig9. KEGG analysis bar graph.

Dot chart of target gene KEGG analysis.Fig10. KEGG analysis dot chart.

Project 2: Comprehensive CUT&RUN-Sequencing for Transcription Factor-DNA Binding Studies


This project employs CUT&RUN sequencing to investigate the binding of transcription factors to DNA. The technique uses specific antibodies and pAG-micrococcal nuclease (pAG-MNase) to cleave and release DNA sequences bound to target proteins, facilitating the analysis of protein-DNA interactions. The DNA samples were provided by the customer, and our work encompassed library generation, sequencing, and bioinformatics analysis.

Data Analysis

Quality control, reads mapping using BWA, peak calling with MACS2, motif analysis using HOMER, peak annotation with ChIPseeker, differential peak analysis using edgeR or DESeq2, TSS enrichment analysis using deeptools-computeMatrix, and target gene GO/KEGG analysis using GOseq R package and KEGG database.


  • Raw Data Filtering

Raw data quality control using FastQC and MultiQC.

The result of raw data filtering.Fig11. Base Quality Distribution.

  • Peak Detection

MACS2 peak finding algorithm identified regions of IP enrichment over background.

Peak statistics showed the number of peaks and FRiP scores.

The result of peak detection.Fig12. Distribution of Peaks.

  • Differential Peak Analysis

Differential analysis of peaks using edgeR or DESeq2.

Venn plot showed the overlap of peaks between different groups.

The result of differential peak analysis.Fig13. Peak Venn Plot.

  • Motif Analysis

HOMER was used to find de novo motif sequences.

Motif analysis results were summarized in a table.

The result of motif analysis.Fig14. Rank 1 Motif.

  • TSS Enrichment Analysis

TSS enrichment heatmap showed the distribution of peaks around TSS.

Genebody enrichment heatmap and TES enrichment heatmap were also generated.

The result of TSS enrichment analysis.Fig15. TSS Enrichment Heatmap.


Q: How does CUT&RUN-Sequencing differ from ChIP-Seq?
A: CUT&RUN is a step up from ChIP-Seq with better resolution and less noise. It's also cheaper and easier to do, perfect for studying protein-DNA interactions precisely.
A: We can work with various cell and tissue samples. You just send us the sample, and we'll handle everything else—library prep, sequencing, and data analysis.
A: Expect top-notch, high-res data that pinpoints DNA binding sites. Our analysis covers peak finding, motif discovery, and functional annotation, offering insights into gene regulation. We also do differential peak and TSS enrichment analysis to dig deeper into the results.
A: We offer tailored experiments and data analysis to match your research needs. Plus, we have other services like CLIP-seq, ChIP, and RIP-seq for a thorough look at nucleic acid-protein interactions.
A: Just give us your cell or tissue sample, and we'll guide you through every step, from consultation to completion. Reach out for more info and to talk about what you need.


Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP) Assay Service ChIRP-Seq Service miCLIP-seq DNase I Footprinting Assay Service Electrophoretic Mobility Shift Assay (EMSA) Service


  1. Meers MP.; et al. Improved CUT&RUN chromatin profiling tools. Elife. 2019;8:e46314.
  2. Kaya-Okur HS.; et al. CUT&Tag for efficient epigenomic profiling of small samples and single cells. Nat Commun. 2019;10(1):1930.
  3. Fu Z.; et al. Cut&tag: a powerful epigenetic tool for chromatin profiling. Epigenetics. 2024;19(1):2293411.
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