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Amyloglucosidase Assay Kit (CASAA-K023S)


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Product description
Amyloglucosidase, also known as glucoamylase (EC, is an exo-type glycosidase that hydrolyzes α-1,4-glycosidic bonds and α-1,6-glycosidic bonds from the non-reducing end of starch, completely hydrolyzing starch into glucose. Therefore, it is widely used in industries such as alcohol, white liquor, antibiotics, amino acids, organic acids, glycerol, and starch sugars, and is one of the important industrial enzyme preparations in China. Amyloglucosidase hydrolyzes soluble starch to produce glucose, which forms a red-brown complex with 3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid, with maximum light absorption at 540nm. Within a certain range, the depth of the color of the reaction liquid is proportional to the amount of glucose, and the activity of amyloglucosidase can be determined and calculated.
Additional Materials and Equipments Required
Visible spectrophotometer, 1mL glass cuvette (light path 1cm), water bath, desktop centrifuge, pipette, mortar and pestle, ice.
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